
Militant arrested in Doda, 3 Chinese pistols, several rounds recovered: Police

Jammu: A militant was arrested during a joint Cordon and Search Operation in Bikheryan area of Doda district of Jammu along with three Chinese pistols and some rounds, police said Friday.

In a statement, a police spokesman said that in a joint Cordon and Search operation was launched by Army’s 10RR Doda, Doda Police, 07 Bn. SSB and 33-Bn CRPF, in village Bikheryan Doda.

“During the search operation, three Chinese pistols two magazines, 15 rounds of Chinese pistol and a silencer were recovered from the house of Ghulam Ahmed Natnoo of Bikheryan while as the militant identified as Firdous Ahmed S/O Ghulam Ahmed R/O Bikheryan was apprehended from his house,” the police spokesman said.

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