
Mehbooba terms party leader’s arrest ‘political vendetta’

Srinagar: PDP president Mhbooba Mufti on Monday termed the arrest of her party colleague Waheed Para an act of “political vendetta” against her party for raising voice against ‘Delhi’s onslaught’.

‘After getting bail from NIA Court due to lack of evidence, @parawahid has now been booked under UAPA by CIK on fabricated charges in a terror case yet again. This is purely political vendetta against PDP for raising our voice against Delhi’s onslaught,’ Mehbooba tweeted.

She was reacting to Para’s arrest by the Counter Insurgency Kashmir (CIK) wing of police on Monday, two days after he was granted bail by an NIA court in the case related to the PDP youth wing president’s alleged links with Hizbul Mujahideen militant outfit. (PTI)

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