
Mehbooba Mufti’s cousin Sarwar Mufti joins GN Azad-led DPAP in Anantnag


Azad offers Fateh-e-Khani outside Mufti’s grave as door was locked

Srinagar, Nov 11  : In a major set back to People’s Democratic Party, Sarwar Mufti, cousin of former chief minister Mehbooba Mufti on Saturday joined Democratic Progressive Azad Party in Bijbehara area of Anantnag.

Sarwar, as per the news agency joined the party at a function presided over by DPAP president Ghulam Nabi Azad in Bijbehara town.

Before going to attend party function, Azad along with other leaders went to Padshahi Bagh to offer Fateh-e-Khani at grave of Mufti Muhammad Sayeed, however, upon reaching door of the grave locked.

Later, Azad along with other leaders offered Fateh-e-Khani outside the grave.

Meanwhile, DPAP leader Mohammad Amin Bhat said that it is unfortunate that door of the grave was open for Ravindra Raina but closed for Gh Nabi Azad—(KNO)

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