
Mehbooba Mufti accuses J&K admin of ignoring inputs about target killings in Kashmir

Jammu: PDP president Mehbooba Mufti claimed on Tuesday that the Jammu and Kashmir administration had prior information about attacks on minority community members but ignored the inputs to provide security to Union ministers, who came here to amplify the BJP’s ”fake narrative and propaganda” about normalcy in the Union Territory.

At least seven people have been killed by militants this month in the Kashmir valley. Of those killed, four belonged to minority communities and six of the deaths were reported from Srinagar.

Mufti also claimed that 700 civilians were arrested in the aftermath of the recent killings with the intention to ”shift the blame and absolve themselves”.

”J&K admin had prior information about attacks on minorities. Yet they chose to ignore these inputs. Instead they were busy providing security to Union Ministers who were brought to Kashmir to amplify BJP’s fake narrative & propaganda of so called normalcy in J&K,” she wrote on Twitter.

The former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister is on a five-day tour of the Chenab valley region. During her visit, she has addressed PDP workers’ conventions at different places since Sunday.

”Not taking responsibility & arresting 700 civilians shows their intention to shift blame & absolve themselves. Collective punishment & humiliation of an entire population has become the one size fits all approach to resolve problems caused due to GOI’s punitive policies,” Mufti said in another tweet.

Two teachers — Supinder Kaur, a Srinagar-based Sikh, and Chand, a Hindu from Jammu — were killed two days after The Resistance Force, a shadow outfit of the banned Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), claimed responsibility for the deaths of three people on October 5.

Makhan Lal Bindroo, a prominent Kashmiri Pandit and the owner of Srinagar’s most famous pharmacy, was shot dead at his shop that evening. Minutes later, a ”chaat” vendor, Virendra Paswan from Bihar, was gunned down elsewhere in the city. Around the same time, another civilian, Mohammad Shafi Lone, was killed at Naidkhai in Bandipora.

On October 2, militants shot dead Majid Ahmad Gojri at Srinagar’s Karan Nagar locality and Mohammad Shafi Dar at the city’s Batamaloo area. (PTI)

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