
Meet Qazi Shabana who choose the path of Art

Meet the sensational sketch, sculpture artist, Qazi Shabana whose art will amaze you. She is an extremely talented artist and a student of Fine art in University of Kashmir.

While talking to Ann News  Qazi Shabana, I am a Sculptor and I study in Kashmir University. I was interested in art since I was a little kid. Painting was my every day job. My day wouldn’t be complete if didn’t paint. Choosing art as a career wasn’t a difficult choice for me but it was a difficult choice for my parents as they wanted me to do some other course but later on when they realized that I’m doing good in my art field they were fine with it and then finally I decided to take a course and went to Kashmir University in fine arts department as there was no other place where I could pursue the course and my father was not ready to let me go outside the valley. After a year In my department I started realizing that I like sculpting a lot and because of the help of my teacher Irfan sir, I understood the true value of art. He would never say no to me and will let me try every material and even help me while I try sculpting with some new material. Till now, I have tried a lot of materials, clay stone, wood, metal, plaster of Paris, cement, wire and more but I used to feel more good when I used to work with trash and lost material. It felt so beautiful creating things out of materials that people used to consider as waste. Well, I’m learning a lot in this field of art and I am trying to make different sculptures and art pieces, not only to express myself but even trying to express other’s feelings too, As human feeling is my main topic I work on. I still have a long way to go but I feel if I could help other artist in some way I will definitely do it, There is so much hidden talent in Kashmir Valley and they don’t have any way out to pursue their courses as I said Kashmir University is the only place in Kashmir Valley providing course in fine arts and that is also only bachelors course, So if someone is interested in art in Kashmir Valley and his or her parents won’t let them go out for studies They have to forcefully drop their dream and do any other course that they are not even interested in or maybe they can just only do bachelors and then they don’t know what to do. I request to government and to our University’s please take a look on other creative courses too whether it is music or art and for people in Kashmir please do support artist, Art is having its own value it’s no more less then engineers and doctors so please do value the artist and it’s art. Promote the artist around you by purchasing there art work or by appreciating there artwork. Let people know that Kashmir is having a lot of talent.


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