
Medical team on sampling drive allegedly abused, attacked in Baramulla village

Srinagar, July 20: In a shocking incident a medical team was allegedly abused and attacked in north Kashmir’s Baramulla village on Monday during sampling drive.

An official told Kashmir Despatch that a team from Kunzar hospital on COVID sampling drive was abused and attacked by a group of people in Ogmuna village of north Kashmir’s Tangmerg block.

Reports said once team entered into the village for COVID-19 sampling purpose a group of people came and attacked the vehicle in which team were traveling.

Dr Rukaya BMO Kunzar confirmed to Kashmir Despatch this incident and said this is very unfortunate that frontline warriors are now being treated like this.

Dr. Rukaya said that as usual our medical team were on ground for sampling purpose and today an unfortunate Incident had reported in Tangmerg village where a group of people attacked our team and damaged their vehicle.

She said since two months we are in ground by putting our lives in risk for the safe of mankind and with such incidents we feel ashamed. She however appealed DC Baramulla to take action regarding the incident. (KD)

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