
Manpreet Singh Expresses Concern Over Difficulties Faced By The People Of Tral Constituency Due To Heavy Snowfall

Sinagar: Congress Youth leader Manpreet Singh who recently contested DDC elections from Aripal Block of Tral constituency has expressed anguish over the hardships confronting people living in Tral due to fresh snowfall.

Demanding that the electricity and road clearance especially in the upper reaches of Batnoor, Karmulla, Dajkhowdah, Zethad, Hajin, Gulistan, Nargistan, Lam, Gatingo, Ladibal, Gadpora, Gulshanpora and other adjoining areas including link roads of Dadsara block.

He exhorted the administration to ensure every facility to people living in far-flung areas like Zizbal, Soyinad, Nargistan gujjar basti, Hajin gujjar basti, Midoora top gujjar basti, Sajjian, Dudkulian, Ponzoo, where road connectivity is still an issue and are disconnected due to the snowfall and their difficult topographies.

Singh also added that State General Secretary Channi Singh in a brief conversation with him said, that the party is in constant touch with the administration and assured that the basic help and necessities would be provided to the distressed people.

He also emphasised over ensuring adequate supply of electricity, water and other essentials to the people of all 3 blocks of Tral constituency.

We have issued emergency numbers for the people of Tral and they can call us round the clock for any help Manpreet Singh added.

The Contact Numbers are 8899260096, 9858425236, 9055070269

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