Jammu & Kashmir

Man Found Dead Under Mysterious Circumstances In Sopore


Srinagar, Mar 20 ; A 40-year-old man found dead under mysterious condition in north Kashmir’s Sopore village on Wednesday morning.

Reports reaching news agency Kashmir Scroll said, a dead body of a man was found in an unconscious condition in Duroo village of Sopore today morning by some locals.

They said that he was immediately taken to nearby hospital where doctors declared him brought dead on arrival.

The deceased has been identified as Mushtaq Ahmed son of Ghulam Rasool of Ganai Mohalla Duroo Sopore.

A police officer told news agency Kashmir Scroll that the body has been taken to sub district hospital sopore for the post-mortem examination and after legal medico formalities body will be handed over to family for last rites. The official further added that a case has been registered and further investigation has been initiated.(ks)

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