
Man Booked For Using VPN In Rajouri

JAMMU: A man was on Sunday booked for violation of district magistrate’s order by using Virtual Private Network (VPN) application in his personal mobile phone in Jammu and Kashmir’s Rajouri district police said.

Mazhar Iqbal (30), from Dhanore Jaralan village, has been booked under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code at Darhal police station, a police spokesperson said.

In an order issued on April 24, Additional District Magistrate of Rajouri Rajeev Kumar Khajuria ordered immediate suspension of VPN services in the district as a preventive measure to protect all information related to ensuring Lok Sabha elections and other sensitive vulnerable data from cyber attacks.

Mazhar was intercepted by a police party and his mobile was found having a VPN application, the spokesperson said.

Earlier, another person was booked by police station Kandi for violating the official order. (PTI)

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