
Making deregotoy remarks against Islam; Srinagar Court issued non-bailable warrant against Tyagi

Srinagar Court issued non-bailable warrant against Tyagi

Mudasir Yaqoob

Srinagar, April 29: A Court here on issued a non-bailable warrant against Jitender Narayan Singh Tyagi, formerly known as Waseem Rizvi, of Lucknow Uttar Pradesh in a case of allegedly “making derogatory statement against Muslims and Islam.”

After hearing the complainant through advocate Aamir Masoodi, the Court of Second Additional, Munsiff, Srinagar, presided over by Shahber Fayaz issued the non-bailable warrant.

Earlier, the Court had issued the summons against the accused, directing him to appear before court.

 “Keeping in view the facts and circumstances of the instant case, the prima facie case for issuance of process for the offences punishable under sections 153A, 295A, 505 of Indian Penal Code is made out against the accused,” the court said.

In the first instance the Court had issued summons to the accused calling upon him to appear before it and answer the allegations leveled against him in the instant complaint.

However, the accused didn’t appear before the court.

As per complainant, “accused person has converted his religion from Islam to Hinduism by his own free will and choice and after conversion while speaking to news reporters made derogatory statements, hurting the religious sentiments of Muslims.”

The court listed the case for 3 June, this year, for the next date of hearing.

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