
LT Governor Visit’s Pulwama, BJP district President Sajad Raina present memorandum

Mudasir Maqbool

Pulwama 11July: BJP (Bhartiye Janta Party ) District President Sajad Ahmad Raina and his team presents memorandum to Lt Governor Girish Chander Murmu during his visit on South Kashmir’s Pulwama district on Saturday.

The district unit headed by Sajad Ahmad Raina present Development memorandum highlights basic issues in the district especially those which are neglected by successive government regimes in past.

The memorandum highlights issues like as, Nursing college at Arihal Village, Basic equipments of x-ray machine and availability staff include Ambulance at Wasoora village, upgradation of higher secondary school Arihal into college, and high school barsoo Awantipora to higher secondary, establish PHC barsoo,maintenance of PHC building Rahmoo, establish Gyne hospital in sangerwani Rajpora, construction of bund across river jehlem at jawbehara, water supply scheme for dadsar tral,issuance of PHC centre at Diver Tral
PG courses at degree college Pulwama and last at least Special package for youth of district Pulwama the Statement added,

Sajad urged Governor to look into these issues on priority basis, so that people of Pulwama get on the map of Developmental era,which has been neglected from past Governments.

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