
LG Sinha chairs security review meet in Sgr, ‘Winter Strategy’ finalised


Security agencies directed to work on eliminating terror-ecosystem, remaining terrorists, cementing peace in UT, stopping local militant recruitment, continuing the pace of development in all 10 districts of Valley in winter; second high level meet in a fortnight


Srinagar, Nov 16  : Jammu and Kashmir’s Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha Thursday chaired a high level security review meeting in Srinagar to finalise the ‘winter strategy’ to keep the peace intact in the Union Territory.

Reliable sources told the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) that LG Sinha chaired the security review meeting at Rajbhawan Srinagar to finalise the ‘winter strategy’ to be adopted by the security agencies during the winter months—‘November to March’. “The meeting was aimed to work out a plan to ensure there is no disturbance to the prevailing peace and to further cement the peace in UT to provide more relief to common people,” a source revealed.

He said that with an aim to see a record number of tourists during winter months, the meeting discussed various means to ensure safety and security of all guests including foreign visitors to the Valley. It may be recalled that post G-20 summit in Srinagar in May this year, foreign tourist arrivals have picked up after a long time.

The source stated that those who participated include Principal Secretary home department, R K Goyal, Chief Secretary A K Mehta, Divisional Commissioner Kashmir Vijay Kumar Bhiduri, DGP J&K RR Swain, ADGP Law and Order Vijay Kumar, IGP Kashmir V K Birdi and Deputy Commissioners of all ten districts besides other officials from the civil administration.

An official present in the meeting told KNO that LG Sinha stressed on keeping the development momentum on during the winter months stating that “winter months shouldn’t become hurdle in the ongoing development in the Valley.” He said that developmental works should be speeded up till the snowfall is witnessed in Kashmir.

The LG, as per sources, while expressing satisfaction over the peaceful atmosphere prevailing in Kashmir, said that more efforts need to be put in to eliminate the terror-co system and the remaining terrorists. “Security forces have to ensure that peace becomes a permanent feature in J&K,” he said.

LG Sinha, as per KNO, tweeted: “Chaired a high-level meeting in Srinagar today to review the security and development scenario in all 10 districts of Kashmir division. J&K administration is committed to completely eliminate the terror ecosystem and to ensure inclusive and progressive development of UT.”

This is the second security review meeting chaired by LG in Srinagar in a fortnight. Earlier, on November 1, LG chaired a Unified High Command meeting in Srinagar. Sources said the primary focus of today’s meeting was to deliberate on development that entails ongoing projects, projects nearing completion. “Focus was to ensure development gains pace while braving winter challenges,” sources said—(KNO) 

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