Jammu & Kashmir

Kulgam police attached property of drug peddler at Nussu badragund

Atif Rasheed

Kulgam: To eradicate drug menace from jammu and kashmir, kulgam police on friday attached property worth crores of rupees of a drug peddler namely Bashir Ahmad Ganie at Nussu badragund here in south kashmir’s kulgam district on Friday.



The kulgam police have attached so many properties from the last one year in the District & arrested so many drug peddlers under NDPS act & registered more than 140 FIR’s.



The police have attached two storey concrete house of Bashir Ahmad Ganie in Ganie Mohalla at Nussu badragund Qazigund on Friday, While the said drug peddler have been already arrested by police last year & lodged in Kot bilwal Jail under NDPS act .

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