
Killing innocents outcome of hatred being spread across country: Dr Farooq


Says Home Ministry must find a solution as country can’t move forward by dividing people

Srinagar, Jan 02  : National Conference president and Member of Parliament, Dr Farooq Abdullah on Monday said killing innocents is the outcome of hatred being spread in the country and that Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) should find a solution to prevent such incidents.

Talking to reporters, Dr Farooq, as per the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) said the country can never move forward by dividing people, but unity is imperative for progress.

He said it is unfortunate that militancy still exists in Jammu & Kashmir as the innocent people are being killed.

“The incidents of killing innocents have increased. It is the outcome of the hatred being spread across the country. There is a need to find a solution by the Home Ministry,” he said—(KNO)

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