
JKBOSE reschedules exam of first paper for class 12th students

Srinagar: The J&K Board of School Education (BOSE) has rescheduled the first paper of class 12th students which was slated on November 10.

Joint secretary examination in JKBOSE Prof. Aijaz Ahmad Hakak said the first paper of class 12th students has been rescheduled and will be held on November 22.

“The venue of the examination however will remain unchanged,” Prof. Hakak said, adding that the examination of other subjects of class 12th will be conducted as per the datesheet already notified for students.

“But now the examination of class 12th students will commence from November 12,” he said.

The JKBOSE has already notified the datesheet for class 10th and 12th students. Also, the students from class 10th to 12th students will have 40 percent syllabus relaxation in their upcoming annual examinations. The decision to give relaxation in syllabus has been taken in view of the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic situation.

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