
J&K reports 1525 new Covid19 cases, 37 deaths

Srinagar: Jammu and Kashmir reported 1525 fresh Covid19 cases while 37 people succumbed to the virus in the last 24 sources, officials said on Monday.

They said that 525 of the fresh cases were from confirmed from Jammu Division and 1000 from Kashmir Valley, taking the overall tally to 290465.

Regarding the deaths, they said, 20 were from Jammu Division and 17 from Kashmir Valley, taking the fatality count to 3907.

Moreover, they said, 4070 more COVID-19 patients have recovered—1801 from Jammu Division and 2269 from Kashmir. There are 35095 active positive cases, 13061 in Jammu and 22034 in Kashmir.

Providing district-wise details, the officials told GNS that Srinagar reported 253 cases, Baramulla 102, Budgam 121, Pulwama 77, Kupwara 181, Anantnag 88, Bandipora 35, Ganderbal 46, Kulgam 65, Shopian 32, Jammu 278, Udhampur 25, Rajouri 40, Doda 64, Kathua 13, Samba 6, Kishtwar 14, Poonch 29, Ramban 36and Reasi 20.

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