
J&K enthusiastic to welcome PM Modi, says Tarun Chug


‘Under his leadership, UT has become tourism capital’

Srinagar, Mar 05 : Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) National General Secretary and Incharge Jammu & Kashmir, Tarun Chug on Tuesday said that the people across Jammu & Kashmir enthusiastic and keen to welcome the Prime Minister Narendra Modi on March 07, saying that the Union Territory has been taken to the new heights under Modi’s leadership.

“J&K, which was known for the terrorism , is now considered as the tourism capital. It is all because of the PM’s work towards development and peace here. PM’s dream with regard to J&K is turning into reality,” Chug said as per the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO).

He said the vision of PM Modi ‘Sab ka saath, sab ka vishwas, sab ka sath’ is completely visible in Jammu & Kashmir, adding that every village is getting the proper road connectivity, two AIIMS have been constructed, and tap water connections are being ensured.

“Like other parts of India, people of Kashmir too believe in PM Modi and have tremendous love for him. Nearly 1.5 lakh to 2 lakh people will participate in the rally of PM Modi here. There is lot of enthusiasm among the people for PM Modi and are keen to welcome him,” he said—(KNO) 

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