Jammu & Kashmir

Indian National Congress Organizes Workers’ Convention in Support of Main Altaf for Anantnag Rajouri Parliament Seat


Anantnag, May 23 (ANN News) —

In the lead-up to the polling for the Anantnag Rajouri Parliament Seat, the Indian National Congress in Dooru Verinag organized a workers’ convention to support the India Alliance candidate, Main Altaf, in the Verinag area of Anantnag District.



The convention saw the participation of Congress General Secretary and Congress Working Committee Member, Ghulam Ahmad Mir, who extended his vote and support for Main Altaf Larvi. Ghulam Ahmad Mir urged his workers and the people of Doru Shahabad to cast their votes for the Alliance candidate, Main Altaf, on May 25.

The gathering aimed to consolidate support and ensure a strong turnout for Main Altaf Larvi, emphasizing the importance of unity and collective effort in the upcoming election.

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