
Indian army celebrates world International yoga day in srinagar

Yoga is an invaluable gift of India ‘s ancient tradition. It embodies unity of mind and body, thought and action, harmony between man and nature and an apch to health and well being.
International Yoga Day was celebrated with great enthusiasm by Indian Army in famous Iqbal Park and historic Hari Parbat in Srinagar town with local sports and fitness clubs. The Civil Def Staff , porters and conservancy staff of Sonamarg Mil grn also whole heartedly participated in fitness through Yoga in the serene natural beauty which is situated between the higher reaches of himalayan glaciers

A str of around 100 children from all across Srinagar city and kids participated and around 150 people including kids of varied age grp participated at Iqbal park guided by Fitness with Afreen club during the International Yoga day celebration.

The day was started with warm up exercises, thereafter all the children, ladies and men performed sitting and standing asanas, importance of these were explained simultaneously by the Yoga instructors from NGOs, Fitness clubs and Indian Army.
The people were encouraged to practice regular yoga to remain fit and improve their concentration. A real geniune step foward through Yoga for NAYA AUR SWASTH KASHMIR

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