
India calls for immediate de-escalation as Israel-Iran tensions grow


New Delhi, April 14: India on Sunday expressed serious concern over the escalating tension between Israel and Iran, and called for exercising restraint, stepping back from violence and returning to the path of diplomacy.

In a statement, the Ministry of External Affairs said, “We are seriously concerned at the escalation of hostilities between Isreal and Iran which threatens the peace and security in the region.”

Calling for immediate de-escalation, the MEA said, “We call for immediate de-escalation, exercise of restraint, stepping back from violence and return to the path of diplomacy.”

“We are closely monitoring the evolving situation. Our Embassies in the region are in close touch with Indian community. It is vital that security and stability are maintained in the region,” MEA said in an X post of its official spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal.

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