
Hizb Commander Warns Police Against Harassing Militant Families, Common Masses

Srinagar: Hizbul Mujahideen operations commander Riyaz Ahmad Naikoo on Friday issued a new audio serving a strong warning to the Kashmir policemen to stop harassment of militant families and common masses.

“Kashmir police remains always at the forefront. They raid our houses, beat our families and slap PSA on innocent youth for rewards and promotions. You must stop these acts or else we will not spare you,” Naikoo is heard saying in the audio message released on social media.

“If you involve our families, you too will be made to pay in the same way,” he added.

Naikoo said that all the relatives of policemen abducted by the cadres of the outfit have been released.

“We have let off all your relatives. They were picked up so that you realize the trauma of those families whose kith and kin are taken away from their mothers and families,” Naikoo said while setting a three-day deadline to cops to release relatives of militants and innocent youth.

“We are giving you last warning. We warn you to release all our relatives in three days. If you fail to do so, your families won’t be spared,” he added.

Naikoo, whose father was released two days after he was arrested during a raid at his house, said that if the outfit desires, Kashmir policemen will be forced to migrate in a month.

“But our fight is not with you but Indian forces. India is pitting us against each other and you don’t understand their nefarious designs,” he said, adding, “Indian army has not harmed our cause as much as you have done.”

Naikoo said that the militants were not scared of rendering sacrifices of their families as six lakh people have given their lives for the “ongoing freedom struggle since 1947.”

“History is witness to the fact that India never treated Kashmiris as humans. Don’t you know what India did with Sheikh Abdullah and other loyalists?” he asked.

Naikoo said that apart from anti-militancy operations, police was also encouraging drug peddling in the Valley.

“We won’t let your trickery weaken us. If you can’t support us, then don’t even come in between our path. We will fight Indian troops with our might,” he said.

“You must do your duties like cops did in 1990’s. India is using us. India will do with your children what they are doing with other Kashmiri children,” he added. (GNS)

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