
Governor Reviews Law And Order Situation In The Aftermath Of Grenade Blast At Bus Stand Jammu

Appreciates police personnel for swiftly apprehending culprit

Jammu, March 7: Governor Satya Pal Malik convened a high level meeting at the Raj Bhavan this evening and reviewed the present law and order situation in the State in the aftermath of a grenade attack at Jammu Bus Stand.

The meeting was attended by Sh. K. Vijay Kumar, Advisor to Governor; Sh. B V R Subramanyam Chief Secretary; Sh. Shaleen Kabra Principal Secretary Home; Sh. Dilbagh Singh Director General of Police; Sh. B. Srinivas, ADGP CID; Sh. Muneer Khan, ADGP Law and Order; Sh. Sanjeev Verma, Divisional Commissioner Jammu and Sh. M.K. Sinha, IGP Jammu.

Governor lauded Sh. Tejinder Singh SSP Jammu, Sh. Amrit Pal Singh, S.P. North and their colleagues for swift action in apprehending the culprit.

Condemning the grenade attack, Governor described it as a dastardly attack on innocent civilians. He said that this is an act of terrorism which is a reaction of anti national and terrorist elements in the State who are losing their grip fast.

Governor observed that the Government has come down hard on separatists since the Pulwama terrorist attack and has withdrawn security for the Hurriyat and 170 persons, banned Jamaat-e-Islami in J&K and has arrested all its leaders for engaging in unlawful activities.

Governor noted that facing imminent defeat, these anti national elements are targeting civilians and soft targets and described the act of throwing grenade on unsuspecting bus passengers as a cowardly attack by someone who cannot challenge the Security forces.

Governor expressed concern that innocent youngsters are being led to believe that sacrificing their lives will lead to paradise which they are gullibly believing.

Governor remarked that the political parties which are coming out in support of banned organizations are making their position clear and are siding with separatists. This only helps militancy become stronger. He said that any party or person supporting separatists is anti national and is playing into the hands of terrorists and Pakistan.

Governor observed that the war against terrorism and militancy is not going to be stopped at any cost and this is a battle that we will win and government will ensure that militancy is eradicated from the State.

Governor appealed to the people in the State to maintain peace, harmony and brotherhood. He observed that the people of the state are known since times immemorial for upholding the values of mutual brotherhood and communal harmony.

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