
Four militant associates held in south Kashmir’s Awantipora: Police

Four militant associates held in south Kashmir’s Awantipora: Police

Four militant associates linked with Jaish-e-Muhammad militant outfit were arrested in Awantipora tehsil of south Kashmir’s Pulwama district, officials said Tuesday.

An official identified as Shabir Ahmad Parray, Sheeraz Ahmad Dar, Shafat Ahmad Mir and Ishfaq Ahmad Shah – all residents of Bathen area of Khrew.

They were involved in providing shelter, logistics and other kind of support to the active militants of JeM operating in the areas of Khrew and forest areas of Tral, he said.

Incriminating material including explosive material and ammunition were recovered on their disclosure in Bathen area, said the official, adding that a case under FIR No. 18/2020 under relevant sections of law has been registered at Police Station Khrew.

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