
Formula 4 car racing demonstrates Kashmir’s potential as a sports & adventure hub: Amit Shah

Srinagar, Mar 18  : Home Minister Amit Shah commended the Modi government’s persistent efforts in developing Kashmir, emphasizing the transformation of the valley into an investment hub and a paradise for sports and adventure enthusiasts. 
His remarks came as Srinagar played host to the first-ever Formula 4 car racing demonstration event, a spectacle that captivated locals and motorsport aficionados alike.
“The Modi government’s continuous efforts to develop Kashmir have not only made the valley an investment destination but also a paradise for sports and adventure enthusiasts,” stated Home Minister Amit Shah, as per news agency KNS. 
He expressed delight at witnessing the Formula 4 car show taking place on the streets of Srinagar, igniting excitement across the globe. 
Shah highlighted the region’s mountainous terrain, winding roads, off-road trails, and hospitable local populace, which he deemed ideal for hosting such prestigious events.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi in a post had stated that the event would serve to further highlight the splendor of Jammu and Kashmir. 
“This is very heartening to see. It will help further showcase the beauty of Jammu and Kashmir. India offers great opportunities for motorsports to thrive, and Srinagar is among the top places where it can happen!” remarked Prime Minister Modi.
The Formula 4 car racing demonstration event unfolded against the breathtaking backdrop of the world-famous Dal Lake in Srinagar on Sunday. 
Professional Formula 4 drivers dazzled spectators with their high-speed stunts as sleek racing cars zoomed along a 1.7 km track from Lalit Ghat to Nehru Park in the heart of the city.
Scores of enthusiastic youths congregated along the picturesque Boulevard road at the foothills of the Zabarwan mountain range to witness the exhilarating event firsthand. 
Local authorities emphasized that the event aimed to promote tourism in the region and inspire youth to explore motorsports as a viable career path.
Organized by the Federation of Motorsports Clubs of India, affiliated with the Federation Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA), the event marked a milestone as the first of its kind in the Kashmir Valley. 
It underscored the region’s potential not only as a scenic destination but also as a thriving hub for sports and adventure activities.(KNS) 

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