
Forest department retrieves 500 kanals of forest land in North Kashmir

Sopore, Nov 02: In a major anti-encroachment drive, the kamraj forest division retrieved around 500 kanals of forest land which was illegally occupied by the locals and bhang cultivators at trimukhan top of kamraj forest division in north Kashmir.

Zahid Moghul, DFO Kamraj Forest Division told that a joint team of forest terretorial ranges, police and forest protection force was deputed on Sunday to trimukhan top of kandi forest range in Sopore to remove encroachments.He said that the team was constituted by Conservator of Forests, Irfan Rasool in which several officers including Range officers of kandi range sopore and Rajwar range were deputed to organise and coordinate the operation.

During the operation around 500 Kanals of encroached forest land was retrived. As per reports, the forest team was met with resistance from locals in which several forest employees including range officer of Rajwar forest range sustained injuries.

The officers and forces after launching the operation successfully retrieved the land from encroachers, dismantled 50 Sheds and also removed fence lines set up by encroachers in the area.

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