
Five persons injured in road accident in north Kashmir’s Handwara

Handwara: At least five persons have sustained injuries after a vehicle they were on board met an accident at Bye-pass road in Handwara.

Reports said that the mishap occurred after a Swift Car bearing registration number JK-09A 9654 hit an electric pole, resulting in injuries to five persons.

The injured have been identified as; Shahid Ahmad Khawaja, son of Fayaz Ahmad Khawaja, Dawood Ahmad Dar, son of Ghulam Hassan, residents of Handwara, Bilal Ahmad Lone, son of Ghulam Rasool Jahangir Ahmad Wani, son of Abdul Ahad residents of Magam and Waseem Ahmad Malla, son of Mohammad Ramzan, a resident of Hangah Handwara.

All the injured were evacuated to District Hospital Handwara for treatment, reports said.

In this regard, Deputy Superintendent DH Handwara Aijaz Ahmad told news agency GNS that the hospital has received five persons with different bodily injuries. “However there is nothing to worry about as all of them are responding well to the treatment”, the official said.

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