
Fire engulfs admin block of Amar Singh College, admission records damaged

Srinagar: Massive fire engulfed the administration cum admission block of the Amar Singh (AS) College on Friday, damaging the records and admission details of the students.

Principal of the A S College Prof Shaheen confirmed the incident and said the whole admission record of the college has been damaged.

“We have admission record and other official documents in the administrative block that got damaged,” Prof. Shaheen said.

The admission cum administrative block is a separate three-roomed single storey building in the college.

“Section officer and other officials deal with this block,” a college functionary said.

He said the cause of fire was yet to be ascertained.

The college administration has registered a First Information Report (FIR) regarding the fire incident.

The Amar Singh College is one of the constituent colleges of the Cluster University Srinagar (CUS) and offers admission in undergraduate, integrated PG courses to the students.

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