
Expect over 2 lakh people in PM Modi’s Srinagar rally on Mar 7: Ravinder Raina


Says BJP will contest on all Lok Sabha seats, remaining candidates to be announced soon

Srinagar, Mar 04 : Stating that Bakshi Stadium will be flooded on March 07, Bharatiya Janata Party’s J&K unit president Ravinder Raina Monday said that they are expecting that over two lakh people will attend Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s rally in Srinagar.


Addressing a press conference, Ravinder Raina, as per the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) said that the people across the Valley are ready to welcome PM Modi on March 07.


PM Modi is scheduled to visit Kashmir and address a rally at Srinagar’s Bakshi Stadium for which preparations have almost been finalised.


Raina said over two lakh people will participate in the rally and the venue will be flooded.


Praising PM Modi for developmental works done in Jammu and Kashmir, Raina said that under his leadership the Union Territory has witnessed peace and progress in every aspect.


“We are hopeful that in coming elections, the people across Kashmir will support BJP wholeheartedly. We will contest on all the seats in J&K and the remaining candidates will be announced soon,” he said while replying to a question.


Asked whether there will be any announcement on restoration of Statehood, Raina said that whatever the announcements will be made, the people will come to know in the rally—(KNO)

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