
EVERYTHING IS IN STARS says Celebrity astrologer Samarpit Kanwatia.

Mr Samarpit Kanwatia is a Mumbai based acclaimed celebrity astrologer and can be best described as a New Age astrologer. He got into astrology about two decades back and has numerous clients, pan India and in different parts of the world. His dealing with multiple clients has made him well researched to deliver whatever they expect of him. His clients, irrespective of their different castes, religions and nationalities, have always benefited from his knowledge.

Mr Samarpit has intense knowledge of Vastu and Numerology. While consulting a client, he likes to mix all three (Astrology, Numerology, Vastu) and provide overall wholesome guidance. In his own words, “Astrology is a Vedic science, which needs to be studied well and then applied. An astrologer has to be proficient in his calculations to read the planets well and guide the client. Howsoever one has to be responsible enough to understand that this can negatively affect people and their lives if not done efficiently. I like to mix Vastu, Numerology and Astrology and provide a complete solution to my client as that gives my client a threefold sureshot solution .”

Having a clientele that includes successful Media personalities, Business houses, Corporates, Lawyers, Doctors, Royals, Housewives (Domestic Issues), and many people from different professions, he is one of the most sought after astrologers today in the whole country. As we enquire from him how he manages to achieve such a feat, he most humbly says “ Well, I follow two fundamental principles in my life when I am dealing with high profile clients or otherwise. I strategize for my clients, keeping their charts and astrological positions in mind, giving them their desired results. I also keep their identities completely discreet. I do not manipulate their name for my gain or growth without their permission, and I believe these two very basic understandings have helped me have them with me for more than a decade on average.”

Mr Samarpit has also been featured and covered by multiple national dailies in various languages, lifestyle magazines and most importantly, FORBES. He has been awarded the “Astro-Vastu Excellence National Award”, “ET-Business Icon Award 2019”, “Times Power Men Award 2019” and “MIDDAY Gaurav Icon Award 2020-Iconic celebrity astrologer” and many more awards for which he just expresses gratitude to God and his Sarv Mangal Ho family, a brand name under which he works for enhancing the society through astrology. “I feel very grateful and humbled by whatever God has blessed me with and stand extremely thankful to my vast Sarv Mangal Ho family who have always believed in me.”

A fascinating aspect that is very dear to Mr. Samarpit personally is his “Answer 1 Free Question”. Here he elaborates, “I want one and all to come to me and take the benefit of my knowledge which I believe is divine blessed as liking any form of the occult has to be inborn. One rarely develops it through outer understanding. There are a lot of times that a client only wants to know only one thing and its for them that “Answer 1 Free Question” works like magic as they can take the benefit of my knowledge by writing to me on my website for which I respond to on pro bono basis. The only problem I face is due to the heavy enquiry backlog we respond with a delay. For that, I seek forgiveness and yet request my clients to be patient. The truth is through “Answer 1 Free Question,” I myself evolve so much more as I get to know more and more people”.

After taking out the merchandise which he gifted his clients during the corona pandemic, he is now busy expanding his website bandwidth and refurbishing it so that more and more people can experience the goodness of Sarv Mangal HO and can be more self-aware with mere reading and taking the benefit of the material in his soon to be unveiled website with a new look. Despite being an astrologer himself, he categorically emphasizes, “Astrologers are NOT GOD and neither astrology any form of a miracle. It is a science, and like any specialization, it has its grammar, though the application of the same differs from astrologer to astrologer. To the best of their capability, astrologers will only wish good for you, but they “cannot change destiny” They can enhance your good and minimize your bad. Rest depends on your “karma”. Never expect miracles from astrologers. Take their say as guidelines only,” concludes Samarpit. 


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