
Covid-19: Record spike of 40425 cases, 681 deaths reported in India in last 24 hours

New Delhi: India saw a record single-day jump of 40,425 COVID-19 cases, pushing its tally past the 11-lakh mark on Monday, while the total number of recoveries crossed 7 lakh, according to the Union Health Ministry data.

The death toll due to the disease rose to 27,497 with 681 fatalities reported in one day.

The data updated at 8 am on Monday showed that the total number of COVID-19 cases stands at 11,18,043.

India’s COVID-19 tally crossed the 11-lakh mark, just three days after it crossed the ten-lakh mark.

There are 3,90,459 active cases in the country, while 7,00,086 people have recovered and one person has migrated.

This is the fifth consecutive day that COVID-19 cases have increased by more than 30,000 and the first time that the single-day spike has crossed the 40,000-mark. (PTI)

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