
Covid-19 Awareness Announcement Campaign in Full Swing at Shopian

Shopian, August 14: The department of Information,Shopian in Collaboration with District Administration Shopian today cotinued it’s announcement awareness campaign for prevention of Covid-19 pandemic under the supervision of District Information Officer Shopian.

Showkat Ahmed Khan to make the general masses aware about the spread of coronavirus.

On this occasion,pamhlets were also distributed among the Shopkeepers and general masses advising them to strictly follow all the SOPs in letter and spirit which include, Wearing of masks, sanitization, Social distancing, keeping their in and aroind neat and clean and avoiding gatherings especially while shopping to save themselves as well as their dear ones,keeping in view the 3rd Wave of Covid-19.

The people were also asked not to venture out of their homes unnecessarily and better to stay at home as the life is too precious.

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