
Complete ban imposed on carrying of licensed arms in Srinagar

Srinagar, Mar 18  : District Magistrate Srinagar Dr. Bilal Mohi Ud Din Bhat (IAS) on Monday imposed complete ban on carrying of licensed arms with the district till the completion of election process.

“In view of Lok Sabha Elections-2024 & pursuant to the instructions laid down by the Election Commission of India, para 3.6 vide no. 464/INST/2009/EPS Dated: 01.09.2009, and in order to ensure maintenance of law & order so essential for ensuring free and fair elections, I, Dr. Bilal Mohi Ud Din Bhat, IAS, District Magistrate, Srinagar, do hereby issue prohibitory orders under Section 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 and impose complete ban on carrying of licensed arms within the District till the completion of election process,” reads an order by the District Magistrate, a copy of which lies with GNS. (GNS)

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