
Centre bans Masarat Alam led J&K Muslim League for 5 years

Srinagar, Dec 27  : The Centre on Wednesday declared Muslim League Jammu and Kashmir, led by incarcerated separatist leader Masarat Alam Bhat, as ‘unlawful association’ and banned it for 5 years under UAPA.

In a post on X, Home Minister Amit Shah, as per the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) that this organisation and its members are involved in anti-national and secessionist activities supporting terrorist activities and inciting people to establish Islamic rule in J&K.

“The ‘Muslim League Jammu Kashmir (Masarat Alam faction)’/MLJK-MA is declared as an ‘Unlawful Association’ under UAPA,” he said.

He said that PM Modi led government’s message is loud and clear that anyone acting against the unity, sovereignty, and integrity of the nation will not be spared and face the full wrath of the law—(KNO)

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