
Building, Car Of Alleged Drug Peddler Attached In Rajouri

JAMMU: A multi-storey business establishment and a vehicle, both together worth more than Rs 1.80 crore, owned by an alleged drug peddler, were attached in Rajouri district on Saturday, police said.

Vikal Chogga, who was booked under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act last year, had illegally acquired the property by selling drugs to the youth in Rajouri town, a police spokesperson said.

He said the attached properties were a four-storied business establishment worth Rs 1.74 crore in the heart of Rajouri city and a car valued at Rs 7 lakh.

Rajouri Senior Superintendent of Police Amritpal Singh said police is committed to eradicate the menace of drugs from the district. (PTI)

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