
Body of teenager retrieved from Nallah Madumati in Bandipora

Bandipora, Jul 13 : Body of 15-year-old boy, who had drowned in Nallah Madumati near Goiwar area of Sonerwani in north Kashmir’s Bandipora district late last evening has been retrieved.

An official told the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) that the boy had drowned in the Nallah last evening, while the matter was reported to the police today morning.

He said that rescue teams including SDRF, police and army were pressed into service to trace the body of the missing boy and after strenuous efforts body was retrieved from the Nallah

He said that they had also requested KGHEP authorities to cut the flow of water that goes down stream in Nallah Madumati, so that rescue operation would be carried out smoothly.

The official identified the deceased as Zahid Magray son of Masood Ahmad Magray of Ajar locality of Bandipora—(KNO)

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