
Body of second soldier retrieved in Poonch

Poonch, Jul 08  : The body of the second soldier was retrieved on Sunday morning, who got washed away in flashcloods on Saturday afternoon while performing duties in Poshana area of Surankote sub division in Poonch.

Two Army soldiers were part of a patrolling team when they got trapped in flash flood in river near Poshana along Mughal Road and got washed away.

Officials told the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) that a massive rescue and search operation was launched by Army, Jammu and Kashmir Police and SDRF following which the body of one among them was retrieved on Saturday evening from Dugriyaan area.

On Sunday morning, officials said, the body of second soldier has been retrieved from Poshana side of river.

Meanwhile, Army has expressed shock over the incident and paid tributes to both the soldiers—(KNO)

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