
BJP stokes fresh row, says delimitation panel worked with dedication, transparency

Srinagar, Dec 22 : Stoking a fresh controversy, BJP unit of J&K Wednesday said that the delimitation commission worked with “dedication and transparency” and that it was for the first time that Scheduled Tribe and Scheduled Caste categories have got their due rights.

Addressing a press conference in Jammu party headquarters, BJP J&K President Ravinder Raina said that delimitation commission has worked with dedication and in a transparent manner, it has come up with a draft report that “is acceptable to all.”

“Scheduled Tribes have been given their right for the first time in Jammu and Kashmir and have been proposed political reservations which is a welcome step,” Raina said

He said that delimitation commission has come up with a draft report which will give right to people of Jammu and north Kashmir but unfortunately PAGD leaders are worried over it.

“People of Jammu and Kashmir are aware of the political motives of PAGD now and no one is going to support them,” Raina claimed. Asked why there was only one seat to Kashmir and six to Jammu, Raina said that J&K was one and there was no Kashmir and Jammu as it was about “J&K”.

To a query if distribution of seats was to be done as per 2011 census, why only one seat added to Kashmir kitty, he said: “Seven seats have been added to J&K…” Raina evaded several queries as to why only one seat has been advocated for Kashmir by the delimitation panel stating that “J&K was one and there was no Kashmir and Jammu.”

Pertinently, all the major political parties of J&K barring BJP have termed the delimitation panel’s proposal of adding six seats to Jammu and one to Kashmir as a slur and something that was unacceptable. PAGD has called for a protest on January 1, 2022 against what it termed “biased and divisive proposal of delimitation panel.”—(KNO

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