
BJP refutes reports of supporting Mattu for mayoral post

Srinagar, July 13: Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) Monday rejected the reports of supporting Junaid Azim Mattu in upcoming mayoral elections scheduled to be held on 16 July, this year.

In a video surfaced on social media, a BJP councilor who identified himself as Nazir Gilkar, says that he and other BJP councilors would support Junaid Azim Mattu in mayoral polls.

“We have finally decided to support Junaid Mattu. Sheikh Imran held the post of deputy mayor for six months. During those six months his job was only to make videos for social media,” he said.

But BJP district president Srinagar Ashok Bhat refuted the claims made by Gilkar.

“No, we are not supporting Junaid Mattu,” he said, adding, “The party high command is yet to decide on this matter. We will make our decision public once party high command takes a final call on it.”

For mayoral posts, there are only two candidates; Sheikh Imran and Junaid Azim Mattu.

Mattu was removed from the post on 16 June, this year after no-confidence was successfully proved on floor, with 40 councilors voting against him. Mattu blamed the BJP and National Conference for his removal.

Imran was removed  as deputy mayor  in December 2019 with 44 councilors voting against him.


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