Jammu & Kashmir

‘Being Nationalist Doesn’t Give You Licence To Commit Crime’: J&K HC While Dismissing Petition Of Aqib Rinzu

 Mudasir Yaqoob

Srinagar, June 14: J&K and Ladakh High Court on Friday uphold the detention of former SMC Corporator Aqib Rinzu Shah and observed that being nationalist doesn’t give immunity to anyone from criminal liability.

In a habeas corpus petition filed before the High Court, Renzu had challenged his detention under Public Safety Act (PSA) on various grounds.




“It is to be noted that merely because the petitioner may have indulged in some activities which are nationalist in character does not give him a licence to indulge in criminal activities,” the Court, presided over by Justice Sanjay Dhar, observed.




It added that a person indulging in criminal activities, which are prejudicial to the maintenance of public order, cannot take shelter behind nationalist activities in which he may have participated at some point of time in his career.




Rinzu pleaded that he has been active in mainstream politics and in order to substantiate his contention, he has highlighted his activities in the events like Har Ghar Tiranga and hoisting of national flag at Char Chinari, Dal Lake, Srinagar.




Court said that the petitioner may have been associated with the nationalist activities but that does not insulate him and provide him an immunity from being proceeded against for indulging in serious criminal activities which endanger the peace of the society. “The contention of learned counsel for the petitioner in this regard is bound to fail.”

Renzu was detained under the PSA on October 4, 2023.



Advocate Shuja-ul-Haq represented the detenue, Renzu. Government advocate Jehangir Ahmad Dar appeared on behalf of the Jammu and Kashmir Government.

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