
*Anti-militancy operations being intensified ahead of Yatra: DGP Dilbagh Singh*


*Says foreign militants using fake ID cards to hide identity; militants involved in killing of RPF personnel being identified; pistols being given to new recruits to prove commitment; security situation much better than before*


Jammu, Apr 19 : J&K Director General of Police (DGP) Dilbagh Singh Tuesday said that police along with other security forces are gearing up to ensure smooth Amarnath pilgrimage this year while as anti-militancy operations will be intensified ahead of the Yatra.

Talking to reporters on the side-lines of a function at Samba district, DGP as per news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) said that in the past few years, there have been a series of successful anti-militancy operations and ahead of the annual pilgrimage of Amarnath commencing on June 30, “we will intensify the operations against the militants.”

“Security situation is much better than the past. We have been able to track down all the militants who carry out civilian killings and those involved in the killing of security forces personnel. We have got solid leads about the killing of two Railway Protection Police Force personnel and very soon, we will catch those involved,” he said, adding that so many lesser known outfits have claimed the responsibility of the attack on Railway cops. “Fact remains that these all are the off shoots of Lashkar-e-Toiba,” he said.

The DGP said that the foreign militants are using fake identity cards to hide their identities. “We killed two foreign militants in Srinagar who were carrying fake identity proof,” he said. He said that the weapon consignments are being sent from across through drones that include Ak-47 and pistols etc.

“In the cities like Srinagar, attacks on civilians are being carried out by pistol-bound militants, rather new recruits. New recruits are being given pistols and grenades to show their commitment,” the DGP said.

He said that police was strengthening its network to crackdown on those involved in the recent commission of crimes. “Those involved in the killing of civilians, non-locals and railway cops will be either arrested or neutralised,” he said—(KNO)

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