
Amit Shah Pays Obeisance At Kheer Bhawani Temple In Ganderbal

Ganderbal: Union Home Minister, Amit Shah visited Kheer Bhawani temple in central Kashmir’s Ganderbal district here on Monday and paid obeisance there.

Shah paid obeisance at the temple of Mata Kheer Bhawani, situated in the middle of a spring in Tullamulla village of Ganderbal.

Officials said that security was beefed up along the route to facilitate Union Home Minister’s visit to the temple.

Mata Kheer Bhawani temple in Tullamulla village of Ganderbal district is the holiest temple shrine of Kashmiri Pandits.

The Union Home Minister is on a three-day visit to J&K, first time since the abrogation of Article 370 in August 2019. (KNO)

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