
Air University Scandal Sparks Doubts on Pakistan’s Educational Reputation


The veil of false allegations has been lifted! The Federal Ombudsman’s decision and Air University’s malice , “Air University: Another Grave Revelation – Why Are There Obstacles to Justice?”

Written by: Syed Umer Gardezi

When the pillars of justice and fairness are shattered in so-called prestigious educational institutions, when personal animosities sway the scales of law, when hypocrisy, oppression, and exploitation are masked in the guise of authority, these universities become a metaphor for the darkness of ignorance. Air University Islamabad, a federally chartered public sector university, has lost its identity as a beacon of knowledge and is now being recognized as a hub of exploitation, where innocent teachers are crucified on the cross of baseless accusations, and the law is reduced to a tool for personal gain.

Lecturer Faheem Mahmood, a dignified and honorable educator, became the target of false harassment allegations based on complaints from five female students. However, this was not just an allegation; it was a calculated scheme woven into the minds of Air University’s corrupt figures. The inquiry lacked any semblance of fairness or integrity! The university’s Anti-Harassment Committee, led by Ahmed Hassan, misused the 2010 Anti-Harassment Law to jeopardize the future of an innocent teacher. The committee’s malice was so apparent that they didn’t even bother to listen to Faheem Mahmood’s side of the story. It was as though the decision had already been written, and the inquiry was just a mere façade!

When Federal Ombudsman Fauzia Waqar reviewed the flawed inquiry, the discrepancies screamed of injustice. Not only did the Ombudsman reject Air University’s report, but she also ordered a transparent inquiry within thirty days. Astonishingly, none of the five female students who had filed the complaints had the courage to appear before the Federal Ombudsman! What more evidence of malice could there be?

This entire debacle was the result of the malevolent intentions of Air University’s Registrar, Abdul Wahab Motla, a man convicted for the grave crime of sexual harassment. Motla spearheaded a vile campaign to frame innocent teachers with false charges. Not only did he exceed his authority, but he also issued a written threat to punish Faheem Mahmood unlawfully, despite only the competent authority having the right to act on the inquiry committee’s recommendations. Yet, Motla pushed further, playing his vindictive game. The hypocrisy of Air University is evident as, despite Motla’s proven crime of sexual harassment, he has been allowed to destroy an innocent teacher’s career.

Vice-Chancellor Abdul Maeed Khan, the head of this institution, has remained silent through all these atrocities. When attempted by me, to get a statement, no response was forthcoming. It’s as if silence itself is complicit in this crime. This is not just the injustice faced by a lecturer, but a testimony to how Air University has transformed into a den of mafia-like control. Truth-tellers are crushed, those who raise their voices for justice are ensnared in false accusations, and those seeking justice are humiliated and degraded.

It is our duty to expose this nefarious plot at Air University! The time is nearing when the walls of this institution will scream its tale of disgrace. Today, Faheem Mahmood has been made the scapegoat, but tomorrow, another teacher will fall victim to this cruelty. The question is: how long will this continue? Will Pakistan’s educational institutions remain under the control of the corrupt, sexual offenders, and conspiratorial factions? Will we keep our eyes closed to this injustice, or will we rise to speak out? This battle is not just for Faheem Mahmood, but for anyone who believes in truth, justice, and integrity!

Pakistan’s educational institutions have always been recognized for promoting knowledge, research, and positive societal values. But when these very institutions begin to be used for injustice, nepotism, and personal gain, it turns into an extremely dangerous trend. The recent events at Air University Islamabad have exposed the horrifying truth that even our premier educational institutions have fallen prey to unjust decisions and vengeful actions based on malice.

It is now clear how an innocent teacher was subjected to mental torment through baseless accusations and how the relevant authorities have obstructed the path to justice. But the question remains: is writing about this enough? Will we remain passive spectators, or will we take practical action against these atrocities?

The most concerning aspect of this case is why the Higher Education Commission (HEC), the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Law and Justice, and other relevant bodies fail to take effective action in such matters. If allegations against a teacher are proven false and he is declared innocent, isn’t it the government’s responsibility to ensure justice for him?

Unfortunately, many educational institutions are becoming centers of such injustices, where personal grudges, internal politics, and group interests ruin lives. This is not just the matter of one individual but a blemish on the entire educational system. If no firm action is taken today, tomorrow another teacher or student could fall victim to similar retaliatory actions.

A further alarming revelation at Air University raises the question: why are there obstacles to justice in this country? The fog surrounding the university’s affairs is beginning to lift, and the truths being exposed are marking another serious question mark on the decaying justice system in our educational institutions. According to recent revelations, Air University’s former Registrar, Abdul Wahab Motla, was found guilty in a sexual harassment case by FOSPAH (Federal Ombudsman for Prevention of Harassment) on October 21, 2020, and was fined ten lakh rupees and dismissed from service. However, despite being sentenced, he is attempting to escape justice using his influence and has appealed to the President of Pakistan.

This is not just a routine legal matter, but a clear symbol of the weakness of our system, where a convicted criminal is still trying to avoid punishment by using his power and connections. The most disheartening aspect is that despite being a criminal, Abdul Wahab Motla framed an innocent teacher with false accusations that led to his dismissal—yet another injustice in the system.

The government and relevant institutions must act immediately because this matter has now transcended internal university politics and has become a national embarrassment. If a convicted criminal is still roaming free, appealing, and using influence to escape punishment, then how can ordinary citizens have hope for justice?

The government, the President of Pakistan, the Ministry of Law and Justice, and the Higher Education Commission (HEC) must immediately take the following steps: Reject Abdul Wahab Motla’s appeal, as he has already been convicted and is now obstructing justice; take strict legal action against him to ensure that no future criminal can misuse their powers; reassess the action taken against Faheem Mahmood and provide him immediate justice, as the allegations made by a convicted person should have no standing; and initiate investigations into such cases in other educational institutions to root out injustice and exploitation.

This matter is not just limited to the enforcement of Abdul Wahab Motla’s punishment; it also casts a significant question mark on the management, rules, and justice system of Air University. Why were such elements given high positions within the university? And if a convicted criminal has already been found guilty, why has no further action been taken against him?

If attempts to suppress this case and allow Abdul Wahab Motla to escape punishment succeed, it will be an open defeat of justice. It will encourage other influential people to commit crimes, use power, and evade punishment. This is a moment for reflection for Pakistani society. Silence in this matter will be complicity in the crime.

Now is not the time to remain silent; it is time to raise our voices. The media, social media, civil society, and students must pressure the government to take immediate action against Abdul Wahab Motla. If we ignore this issue today, tomorrow more powerful criminals will gain confidence, and justice will become a mockery. It is time for the government and relevant institutions to clarify whose side they are on.

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