
Mirwaiz not allowed to offer Friday prayers in Jamia Masjid: APHC

Srinagar: All Parties Hurriyat conference (M) today said it’s Chairman Mirwaiz Umar Farooq who was under house arrest since August 2019 , was again not allowed to offer Friday prayers at central jamia Masjid srinagar by the authorities.

In a statement, APHC said that “after the authorities went back on their decision to release the Hurriyat chairman last Friday , and people at Jama Masjid protested against it , the restrictions on the Mirwaiz have been further tightened and even his personal staff is not allowed to go inside his premises.”

On the other hand authorities in downtown srinagar are conducting nocturnal raids and arresting young boys and booking them under PSA to create fear., It added.

“APHC said such moves are highly regrettable and authoritarian to say the least. Forced suppression is no guarantee to peace,” statement said.

APHC said the authorities should release the Mirwaiz and all political prisoners and youth languishing in detention centres and jails and engage in constructive dialogue with all stakeholders for peaceful resolution of the Kashmir issue and peace in the subcontinent.(KNS)

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