Commissioner Survey and Land Records reviews digitisation and updation of land records at Shopian.
SHOPIAN: DEC,11,2020: Commissioner Surveys and Land Records ( Mr. Shahnawaz Bukhari, KAS), reviewed the ongoing digitization and updation of revenue records today here at Mini secretariat Arhama Shopian. The meeting was attended by the ADC Shopian, ACR Shopian, SDM Zainapora, Tehsildars of District Shopian along with NTs , Girdawars, Patwaries of the District and the officials from Regional Directorate MARAZ (Survey and Land Records).
The Commissioner SLR reviewed the progress in detail with regard to updation of Jamabandies and the digitization of the revenue records in threadbare with correlating the figures from Regional Directorate MARAZ, village wise. The Commissioner SLR, was apprised about the progress achieved Tehsil wise. The Commissioner SLR appreciated the efforts of the revenue team of District Shopian, with regard to the progress achieved and meeting the timelines set in for completion of the project.
The Commissioner SLR apprised the revenue team of District Shopian about the future plans of the Government of UT with regard to the digitization of Land Records and making the land records available to the common masses at their finger tips.