Srinagar Police shifts 3 Drug addicts to drug de-addiction center
Srinagar, Oct 8 : Taking cognisance of the viral video pertaining to drug addiction, Srinagar police on Saturday shifted three drug addicts to drug de-addiction centre.
A police spokesman said that Srinagar Police have taken cognisance of the Viral Video pertaining to Drug addiction.
The administration and police are taking both De-addiction and enforcement measures to help victims of substance abuse. “We appeal parents to keep vigil and bring to our Notice +Ve cases,” he said.
He said that there is a viral video where 3 drug addicts are taking drugs in Noorbagh area. “It came out during investigation that the 3 were experimenting with medicines provided by de-addiction centre by injecting into veins and not orally taking them. They are being sent de-addiction centre,” he said.(KNS)