
2 soldiers killed, 3 injured along LoC in Gurez sector of Bandipora, firing on

Bandipora, Nov 13: Two soldiers were killed in the intense shelling in several villages and forward areas along the Line of Control (LoC) in Gurez sector of north Kashmir’s Bandipora district Friday, officials said.

They told News agency KNO that Pakistan resorted to unprovoked firing and heavy mortar shelling along the LoC in Tulail and Bagtore sector in Gurez in which two army soldiers were killed on the spot while four other received injures following which they were evacuated to Hospital.

The officials said that the slain soldiers have been identified as Naik Satai Bhusha and sepoy Jon Dhale Rushikesh, both residents of Maharashtra.

The injured have been identified as Naik Kale Navnath, Sepoy Khade Uddhav and Sepoy Kirte Yogesh, all residents of Maharashtra.

Earlier, five civilians including two minor girls’ sustained injuries at Bagtore sector Gurez and two of them have been shifted to SMHS hospital Srinagar for specialized treatment.

Sources said that intense shelling is going on in Tulail and Bagtore sectors at present. (KNO)

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