
2 LeT OGWs arrested in Baramulla: Police

Baramulla, Sept 03: Jammu & Kashmir Police on Sunday said to have arrested two Over Ground Workers (OGWs) of Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT).

A police spokesman in a statement issued to the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), said that on 03 Sep 2023, on receipt of a specific input a joint Naka was established at Shirkwara near Bus Stop Shirkwara by SOG kreeri, and 52 RR.

“During naka checking, a suspicious movement of two persons coming from Wagoora Bridge side by foot was observed. While seeing police party and security forces, the said persons tried to flee from the spot but alert naka party apprehended them tactfully,” police said.

The statement added that during preliminary questioning, they identified themselves as Tawseef Ramazan Bhat, son of Mohammad Ramzan Bhat and Moien Amin Bhat @Momin, son of Mohammad Amin Bhat—both residents of Bada mulla, Sheeri Baramulla.

“From the possession of Moien Amin Bhat, a Chinese Pistol with mazine and 15 rounds were recovered and from Tawseef Ramazan Bhat, a hand grenade was recovered. Both the persons are OGWs of LeT,” police said.

They further revealed that they were constantly in touch with LeT handlers and passed all the info to Pakistani terrorists handlers, police said, adding that they were about to get active as terrorists after carrying out an attack on security forces and targeted killings.

In this regard, police said that a case under FIR number 111/2023 under section 7/25 IA Act, 13,18,20, 23, 38 ,39 UA(P) act stands registered and investigation set into motion—(KNO)

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