
2 arrested as police files case over Shikara incident in Dal Lake

Srinagar, Jun 11 : Jammu and Kashmir Police on Tuesday said to have arrested two persons after filing a case with regard to a video showing tourists drinking alcohol on a Shikara in Srinagar’s Dal Lake, which sparked outrage from across the Kashmir Valley.

In a post on X, Srinagar police, as per news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) stated that it has taken cognisance of the matter.

“Srinagar Police has taken cognizance after a video of unidentified individuals indulging in offensive behaviour in a shikara in Dal Lake in an inebriated state went viral across social media platforms,” it said.

It added that two accused persons have been arrested while more suspects are being questioned. “Case FIR no. 83/2024 u/s 295A IPC stands registered in PS Ram Munshibagh. Two accused persons have been arrested while more suspects are being questioned. Further investigation into the matter is going on,” police said.

Pertinently, a video showing some tourists consuming alcohol on a Shikara in Dal Lake in full public glare went viral. The incident sparked outrage with religious organisations and civil society groups demanding action against the people involved in the incident—(KNO) 

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