
15 Including Non-Local Candidate Shortlisted For Post Of Director SKIMS Soura

Srinagar: Moving a step closer towards appointing Director for Sher-e-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences Soura , the authorities have shortlisted 15 candidates including one non-local resident.

As per the interview notice issued by Health and Medical Education J&K, 15 candidates who have been shortlisted for the post of the director SKIMS include Dr. Yogesh Kumar Sarin Director Professor and Head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery Lady Hardinge Medical College and Associated Kalawati Saran Children’s Hospital, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Marg, Diz Area, Connaught Place, New Delhi, Dr. Nisar Ahmad Bhat, Dr. Altaf Umar Ramzan Professor & Head Department of Neurosurgery Sher-l-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences, Soura, Dr Omar Javed Shah Dean Medical Faculty and HoD surgical Gastroenterology/Surgical Oncology, Dr. Showkat Ali Mufti Professor & Head, Emergency Medicine Department, SKIMS, Parvaiz Ahmad Koul, Dr. Ghulam Nabi Lone Professor and Head Department of CVTS, SKIMS, Dr. Bashir Ahmad Laway Professor and Head, Department of Endocrinology, SKIMS Soura, Dr. Showkat Ahmad Secretary Technical, Health & Medical Education Department, Civil Secretariat, Srinagar, Dr. Naseer Ahmed Mir Professor & Head of Orthopaedics, Post Graduate Department of Orthopaedics, SKIMS Bemina, Dr. Reyaz Ahmad Untoo, Dr. Adil Hafeez Wani Professor & Head of Department of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, SKIMS, Dr. Mohammad Saleem Wani Professor & Head, Department of Urology and Kidney Transplant Unit, SKIMS SOURA, Dr. Abdul Wahid Khan Professor. Department of Psychiatry, GMC Anantnag (Academic Arrangement) and Dr. Tariq Ahmad Gojwari S/O: Mohmad Yousf Gojwari Professor & Head Department of Radio-diagnosis SKIMS, Soura.

“The Health & Medical Education Department had issued notification vide No. ME/NG/71/2016/SKIMS dated 06-09-2021, inviting online applications on prescribed proforma from Indian Nationals for the position of Director, SKIMS, Soura, Srinagar. The Advertisement Notification was kept available on the official website of SKIMS, Soura. Srinagar. (www.skims.ac.in). The date of submission of applications was with effect from 08.09.2021 to 07.10.2021. In response, 36 applications were received.” reads the notice.

“Subsequently, these applications were scrutinized vis-a-vis the prescribed qualifications/ required experience by a Screening Committee, constituted for the purpose by the General Administration Department vide Government Order No.1198-JK(GAD) of 2021 dated 11.11.2021,” it adds.

“Accordingly, the Screening Committee submitted its report in the General Administration Department, whereunder the Committee has shortlisted the fifteen (15) candidates,” it adds further.

“Now, therefore, it is to inform all the above applicants that the interaction before the Selection Committee for the post of Director, SKIMS, Soura, Srinagar will be held on 28-12-2021 (Tuesday) at 11:00 AM in the Meeting Hall 2nd floor, Civil Secretariat, Jammu. The aforesaid applicants are requested to kindly make it convenient to be present at the scheduled venue, date and time along with their original testimonials, failing which they would not be considered for the personal interaction before the Selection Committee.” It states.

“Further, they should be prepared to make a brief presentation (3-5 slides) before the Selection Committee on their vision about the Institution (SKIMS) and the way forward.” It reads further.

Pertinently, Dr A G Ahangar whose term was extended for a period of six months in June had joined as director in July 2016, however, he was removed in January 2018 but he got the top position again in September 2019 after court directions.

Ahangar was supposed to get retired in June this year, however, he has now got extension for period of six months. (KNO)

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